Johannes Monno

Johannes Monno discovered his love for the guitar at the age of six. He researched the history and playing techniques of the vihuela da mano, baroque guitar and chitarrone in depth - several publications, CDs, lecture series and radio recordings resulted from this activity. In addition to chamber music collaborations with artists such as Stefan Felhlandt, Sabine Kraut, Olaf Van Gonnissen, Kolja Lessing and the Ensemble Rilegato, Johannes Monno has repeatedly drawn attention to himself through thematically finely crafted solo programmes. Last year he was invited by musica reanimata to participate in a portrait concert in memory of Ignaz Strasfogel, produced by Deutschlandfunk. He makes music very regularly with his children Paulina and Raphael. In addition to solo concerts, performances with violinist Kolja Lessing and a concert tour to South Korea are planned for 2023. He was called to the conservatories in Hamburg and Frankfurt at an early stage. Since 2004 he has been working at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart. Several international prize winners have studied with him. Along with Thomas Müller-Pering and Olaf Van Gonnissen, Johannes Monno is the editor of the New Karl Scheit Series at UE.